EUPJ Biennial Conference Geneva

It is with regret that as a result of the Covid19 virus which is spreading across Europe and the World at an alarming rate, the EUPJ has reluctantly decided that “pikuach nefesh” (saving a life) must take priority over all other considerations. Therefore, it has been agreed that the EUPJ 2020 Biennial in Geneva is cancelled. All regions of the World Union for Progressive Judaism have now cancelled their 2020 biennials and WUPJ’s CONNECTIONS 2021, scheduled for the spring of next year in Jerusalem, is likely to be the first opportunity for us all to come together again. At EUPJ, we have therefore decided to skip one whole conference cycle. The next EUPJ Biennial will take place in the spring of 2022 in Geneva and we are already excited about that prospect.

Please return here for more details, in due course.

All enquiries to

The Conference Team