WUPJ Worldwide Congregations

Over 1,200 congregations around the world – both large and small, some established and others just starting – currently affiliate with Reform, Progressive, Liberal or Reconstructionist Judaism. Affiliated regions of the World Union are located in seven regions, whose members regularly communicate, meet and enrich each others’ experience of Jewish life, they are:

Australia, Asia and New Zealand

Union for Progressive Judaism (UPJ)

28 Chatswood Avenue
Chatswood NSW 2067

Phone: 61 2 9413 1282
Email: upj@upj.org.au
Website: www.upj.org.au/


European Union for Progressive Judaism (EUPJ)

The Sternberg Centre
80 East End Road
London N3 2SY
United Kingdon

Phone: +44 208 349 5651
Email: administrator@eupj.org
Website: www.eupj.org

Former Soviet Union – Belarus

Beit Simcha

20 Shornaya St
Minsk 220004
Phone: 375-172-202-276/ 206-5850
Email: roopi@mail.ru

Former Soviet Union – Russia

Association of Progressive Jewish Congregations in Russia, Moscow Center for Progressive Judaism

Argunovskaya St. 3, bldg 1, 4th fl.
Moscow 129075
Phone: +7 495 956 6609
Email: orosir@mail.ru
Website: www.wupj.ru


Israel Movement for Progressive Judaism (IMPJ)

13 King David
Jerusalem 94101
Phone: 02-6203448
Email: impj@impj.org.il
Website: www.reform.org.il/Eng/Index.asp

Latin America and the Caribbean

WUPJ-LA Regional Office

Rua Botucatu No. 572
Edificio Paulista Liberal Center
6 andar cj 61 S. Paulo 04023-061

Phone: 5511 3865 9492
Email: contato@wupj-latinamerica.org
Website: www.wupj-latinamerica.org

Latin America and the Caribbean

Union of Jewish Congregations of Latin America and the Caribbean (UJCL)

Congregation B’nei Israel
San Jose
Costa Rica

Phone: 506-2231-5243
Email: congbnei@racsa.co.cr
Website: www.ujcl.org/

North America

Union of Reform Judaism (URJ)

633 Third Avenue
New York New York 10017-6778
United States

Phone: 1 212 650 4000
Email: urj@urj.org
Website: http://www.urj.org

South Africa

South African Union for Progressive Judaism (SAUPJ)

P O Box 78189
Sandton 2146
South Africa

Phone: 27 11 784 7145
Email: Saupj@worldonline.co.za
Website: www.saupj.org.za