
The EUPJ is governed by its Constitution, which provides for three bodies to be responsible for the EUPJ – the European Assembly, the Executive Board and the Management Committee. The current Constitution was adopted in April 2018.

The European Assembly usually meets once a year, the Executive Board meets three to four times a year and the Management Committee meets monthly. In addition, sub committees are formed as and when required for specific projects and their work results in recommendations to the Executive Board and/or the Management Committee. Members of the Executive Board are also elected to represent EUPJ interests at the International Assembly of the World Union for Progressive Judaism (WUPJ).

The EUPJ President, Chairman, Honorary Officers and other senior office holders are elected to these positions by the European Assembly, whilst the remaining members of the Executive Board and the Management Committee are appointed to their positions in terms of the Constitution. Many of the members of the Executive Board are appointed to represent EUPJ’s regions and national bodies across Europe as well as the Abraham Geiger Kolleg, the Leo Baeck College, the European Bet Din (EBD), the EUPJ European Rabbinic Assembly (ERA) and the WUPJ.

Please Click Here for a copy of the latest Annual Report

Please Click Here for a copy of the Certified Accounts 2023

Please Click Here to read a copy of the EUPJ Constitution – April 2018

Please Click Here to read a copy of the EUPJ Membership Criteria – July 2018

Please Click Here for a copy of EUPJ’s Grant Terms and Conditions

Please Click Here for a copy of EUPJ’s Code of Conduct for Management Committee Members

Please Click Here for a copy of EUPJ’s Code of Conduct for Executive Board

Please Click Here for a copy of EUPJ’s Safeguarding Leadership Statement