News Archive

The EUPJ mourns the death of Rabbi Prof Walter Jacob at the age of 94. Rabbi Jacob made a significant contribution to the rebirth of progressive Judaism in Germany. In 1999, he became the founder of the Abraham Geiger College at the University of Potsdam,...

On Thursday, 5th September , the Abraham Geiger College ordained two Rabbis and six Cantors in the Rykestrasse Synagogue in Berlin with Miriam Kramer president and Rabbi Lea Mühlstein chair of the EUPJ in attendance. Abraham Geiger Kolleg Ordination,  Synagogue Rykestrasse Three of the ordinands…

HIAS Europe was EUPJ’s key strategic partner for our EU-funded Neighbours project. We believe that their work to support refugees will resonate with our members and therefore wanted to make sure that you are aware of the opportunity to join HIAS Europe High Holidays Campaign….

We are saddened to share the news of the death of Rabbi Rodney Mariner z'l, formerly convenor of the European Beit Din of the EUPJ. Rabbi Mariner was born in Australia in 1941 and graduated from Monash University Melbourne. He studied for the rabbinate at...

The Union of Progressive Jews in Germany and its youth department, UpJ Netzer, were proud to host the first international Netzer summer camp in Europe. Machane Zion was the biggest and by far the most special supper camp that WUPJ Netzer ever experienced and offered!...

We are excited to announce our in-person EUPJ Shabbaton in Vienna, Austria, from 29 November to 1 December 2024. As well as providing us with the opportunity to join in services with our local congregation, Or Chadash, we will have an opportunity to discuss how…

The 26th annual conference of the Union of Progressive Jews in Germany took place in Amsterdam from 9 – 12 May 2024. More than 160 participants attended the opening in the Uilenburgersjoel, a synagogue built in 1766. The participation of Pierre Elkaim, EUPJ’s Vice-Chair  Finance,…

An international delegation with 32 leaders from the World Union for Progressive Judaism (WUPJ), European Union for Progressive Judaism (EUPJ), Arzenu Olami, and World Zionist Organization – ההסתדרות הציונית העולמית took part in the celebrations of Beth Hillel Congregation of Rome’s 10th Anniversary. The delegation…

On 7-8 May the EUPJ, European Commission and the State of Israel participated in the 15th EU high level seminar on combating racism. EUPJ’s Envoy, Rabbi Dr. Brian Doyle-Du Breuil to the European Union, represented the voice of Progressive Judaism, explaining the difficulties that many…

3 July at 6pm UK/7pm CET on Zoom – register here Hosted by the European Union for Progressive Judaism, Rabbi Lea Mühlstein will be reflecting on the crisis that Liberal Zionism faces today. Yet rather than only dwelling on a description of the withering away of Liberal…