Abraham Geiger Kolleg

Ordination, Investitur, 2022
Ordination Abraham Geiger Kolleg, Synagoge Rykestrasse.
Abraham Geiger College, Potsdam

Founded in 1999, Abraham Geiger College is the first rabbinical seminary in Continental Europe since the Shoah. In response to the urgent need for academic rabbinical and cantorial training, it provides progressive, enlightened and modern spiritual leadership. We are a diverse religious and scholarly learning community dedicated to vocational training and academic excellence.

Initially designed for the training of rabbis, cantors have also been trained at the Abraham Geiger Kolleg since 2008. All students earn a B.A. (cantorate) or M.A. (rabbinate) in Jewish theology at the University of Potsdam. Currently, 13 students are receiving their practical training at the Abraham Geiger Kolleg.

The course of study usually takes five years and includes a 10-month study visit to Israel. In addition to their academic and practical training, all students complete internships in Jewish communities. The course of study is recognised worldwide. The AGK has been a member of the World Union for Progressive Judaism since 2001. Its graduates have been accredited by the Central Conference of American Rabbis (CCAR) since 2005.

55 graduates are pursuing their vocation as rabbis or cantors. They are doing so not only in Germany: Alumni are working in France, Switzerland, Luxemburg, in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Great Britain and Sweden, in Israel, South Africa, the United States and Brazil.

(Photo copyright:Stephan Pramme and Jens Reichenbach)

For more information:
Tel: +49 331 977 159 811
E-Mail: office@geiger-edu.de