
Below are all of the EUPJ communities located around Europe.

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165 results matching your search.

Alliance pour un Judaisme Traditionnel et Moderne (AJTM)

Paris, France

Alyth Synagogue, London

London, United Kingdom

Assemblée du Judaïsme Libéral (AJL) - National Body

Paris, France

Association des Juifs Libéraux Toulouse (AJLT)

Toulouse, France

Bedfordshire Progressive Synagogue

Bedford, United Kingdom

Beit Klal Yisrael

London, United Kingdom

Beit Konstancin – – Progressive Jewish Community of Konstancin

Konstancin Jeziorna, Poland

Beit Polska – The Union of Progressive Jewish Communities in Poland - National Body

Warszawa, Poland

Beit Trójmiasto – Progressive Jewish Community of Gdańsk, Gdynia and Sopot

Gdańsk, Poland

Beit Warszawa – Progressive Jewish Community of Warsaw

Warszawa, Poland

Bejt Simcha

Prague 1, Czech Republic

Belsize Square Synagogue

London, United Kingdom

Bet Orim Reform Jewish Congregation

Budapest, Hungary

Beth Shalom Congregazione Ebraica Riformata

Milan, Italy

Beth Shalom Reform Synagogue, Cambridge

Cambridge, United Kingdom

Birmingham Progressive Synagogue

Birmingham, United Kingdom

Blackpool Reform Jewish Congregation

Blackpool, United Kingdom

Bournemouth Reform Synagogue

Bournemouth, United Kingdom

Bradford Tree of Life Synagogue (formerly Bradford Reform Synagogue)

Bradford, United Kingdom

Brighton & Hove Progressive Synagogue

Hove, United Kingdom

Brighton & Hove Reform Synagogue

Hove, United Kingdom

Bristol & West Progressive Jewish Congregation

Bristol, United Kingdom

Bromley Reform Synagogue

Bromley, United Kingdom

Cardiff Reform Synagogue

Cardiff, United Kingdom

Communaute Israelite Liberale de Belgique (Beth Hillel)

Brussels, Belgium

Communauté Juive Libérale Dauphine à Grenoble

Grenoble, France

Communauté Juive Libérale de Genève – GIL

Geneve, Switzerland

Communauté Juive Libérale de Montpellier

Montpellier Cedex 1, France

Comunidad Judía Bet Januká de Andalucía

Rota, Spain

Comunidad Judía Bnei Israel de Galicia

Galicia, Spain

Comunitat Jueva Bet Shalom

Barcelona, Spain

Coventry Reform Jewish Community

Coventry, United Kingdom

Crawley Jewish Community

Crawley, United Kingdom

Crouch End Chavurah

London, United Kingdom

DHC Reform Synagogue, Beit Shalom

Darlington, United Kingdom

Dublin Jewish Progressive Congregation

Dublin 6, Republic of Ireland

East London & Essex Liberal Synagogue

London, United Kingdom

Eastbourne Progressive Jewish Congregation

Eastbourne, United Kingdom

Ec Chaim – Synagogue and Centre for Progressive Judaism of the Jewish Community of Warsaw

Warszawa, Poland

Ec chajim – The Progressive Jewish Community of Prague

Prague, Czech Republic

Edgware & Hendon Reform Synagogue

Edgware, United Kingdom

Federazione Italiana per l’Ebraismo Progressivo (FIEP) - National Body

Milan, Italy

Finchley Progressive Synagogue

London, United Kingdom

Finchley Reform Synagogue

London, United Kingdom

Glasgow Reform Synagogue

Glasgow, United Kingdom

Hehaver Ohel Yacob

Lisbon, Portugal

IJC Brussels

Brussels, Belgium

Isle of Wight Jewish Society

Cowes, United Kingdom

Israelitischer Tempelverband – Liberale Juedische Gemeinde zu Hamburg

Hamburg, Germany

Jewish Community of Liberec

Liberec, Czech Republic

Jewish Congregation Beit Rambam of Andalusia

Seville, Spain

Jewish Liberal Congregation – Or Chadasch

Vienna, Austria

Judische Gemeinde HaKochaw für den Kreis Unna

Unna, Germany

Juedische Gemeinde – Ahrensburg-Stormarn

Ahrensburg, Germany

Juedische Gemeinde – Bad Segeberg

Bad Segeberg, Germany

Juedische Gemeinde – Celle

Celle, Germany

Juedische Gemeinde – Elmshorn

Klein-Nordende, Germany

Juedische Gemeinde – Pinneberg

Pinneberg, Germany

Juedische Kultusgemeinde Bielefeld Beit Tikwa

Bielefeld, Germany

Juedische Liberale Gemeinde Koeln Gescher LaMassoret

Koeln, Germany

Juedishe Liberale Gemeinde Or Chadash

Zurich, Switzerland

Kehilat Gesher – Communaute Juive Franco-Anglophone de Paris

Paris, France

Kehilat Kedem – Synagogue Libérale de Montpellier

Montpellier Cedex 1, France

Kehillah North London

London, United Kingdom

Kehillat Kernow – The Jewish Community of Cornwall

Truro, United Kingdom

Kent Liberal Jewish Community

Maidstone, United Kingdom

Keren Or, la Synagogue Libérale de Lyon

Lyon, France

Kingston Liberal Synagogue

Surbiton, United Kingdom

Kol Chai – Hatch End Jewish Community

Hatch End, United Kingdom

L’Union Libérale Israélite de France (ULIF)

Paris, France

La Communaute Juive Libérale – Ile de France

Paris, France

La Fédération du Judaïsme Libéral

Paris, France

Le Mouvement Juif Liberal de France (MJLF)

Paris, France

Leicester Progressive Jewish Congregation

Leicester, United Kingdom

Lev Chadash – Associazione per l’Ebraismo Progressivo

Milan, Italy

Liberaal Joodse Gemeente Alkmaar

Alkmaar, Netherlands

Liberaal Joodse Gemeente Amsterdam

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Liberaal Joodse Gemeente Brabant

Tilburg, Netherlands

Liberaal Joodse Gemeente Den Haag

Den Haag, Netherlands

Liberaal Joodse Gemeente Gelderland

Dieren, Netherlands

Liberaal Joodse Gemeente Rotterdam

Rotterdam, Netherlands

Liberaal Joodse Gemeente Twente

Haaksbergen, Netherlands

Liberaal Joodse Gemeente Utrecht

Utrecht, Netherlands

Liberal Jewish Community of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg

Liberal Judaism (LJ) - National Body

London, United Kingdom

Liberale Jüdische Gemeinde Lübeck

Lübeck, Germany

Liberale Jüdische Gemeinde Mischkan ha-Tfila

Bamberg, Germany

Liberale Juedische Gemeinde München Beth Shalom

Munich, Germany

Liberale Juedische Gemeinde Ruhrgebiet “Perusch”

Oberhausen, Germany

Liberale Juedische Gemeinder Wolfsburg-Braunschweig

Wolfsburg, Germany

Lincolnshire Jewish Community

Lincoln, United Kingdom

Liverpool Reform Synagogue

Liverpool, United Kingdom

Maison du Judaїsme Libéral à Toulouse

Toulouse, France

Makor Hayim, London ( formerly Shir Hayim and Willesden Minyan)

London, United Kingdom

Manchester Reform Synagogue

Manchester, United Kingdom

Menorah – Jüdische Gemeinde zu Bremerhaven

Bremerhaven, Germany

Menorah Synagogue -Cheshire Reform Congregation

Manchester, United Kingdom

Migwan – Liberale Jüdische Gemeinde Basel

Basel, Switzerland

Milton Keynes & District Reform Synagogue

Milton Keynes, United Kingdom

Mosaic Liberal Synagogue (Harrow)

Harrow, United Kingdom

Mosaic Reform Synagogue, London

Harrow, United Kingdom

Ne’ve Shalom, Hull

Hull, United Kingdom

Nederlands Verbond voor Progressief Jodendom (NVPJ) - National Body

Amsterdam, Netherlands

North West Surrey Synagogue

Weybridge, United Kingdom

Norwich Liberal Jewish Community

Norwich, United Kingdom

Nottingham Progressive Jewish Congregation

Nottingham, United Kingdom

Or ‘Ammim – Associazione per l’Ebraismo Progressivo

Bologna, Italy

Or Hadasz – Association of Progressive Jews in Krakow

Krakow, Poland

Oxford Jewish Congregation

Oxford, United Kingdom

Peterborough Liberal Jewish Community

Peterborough, United Kingdom

Platform of Liberal Jews of Switzerland (PLJS) - National Body

Zurich, Switzerland

Progressief Joodse Gemeente Midden Nederland

Culemborg, Netherlands

Progressief Joodse Gemeente Noord Nederland

Zuidlaren, Netherlands

Progressive Judaism Center – Dor L’Dor

Tbilisi, Georgia

Progressive Judaism in Stockholm

Stockholm, Sweden

Radlett Reform Synagogue

Radlett, United Kingdom

Reading Liberal Jewish Community

Reading, United Kingdom

Reform Jewish Community of Madrid

Madrid, Spain

Reform Judaism (RJ) - National Body

London, United Kingdom

Reformsynagoge der Jüdischen Gemeinde Hamburg

Hamburg, Germany

Seven Hills, Sheffield Reform

Sheffield, United Kingdom

Sha’arei Shalom North Manchester Reform Congregation

Manchester, United Kingdom

Sha’arei Tsedek – North London Reform Synagogue

London, United Kingdom

Shir Hatzafon, Denmark

Copenhagen S, Denmark

Sinai Synagogue

Leeds, United Kingdom

South Bucks Liberal Jewish Community

Amsersham, United Kingdom

South Hampshire Reform Jewish Community

Southampton, United Kingdom

South London Liberal Synagogue (Streatham)

London, United Kingdom

South West Essex & Settlement Reform Synagogue

Ilford, United Kingdom

Southend and District Reform Synagogue

Westcliff on Sea, United Kingdom

Southgate Progressive Synagogue

London, United Kingdom

Southport Reform Synagogue

Southport, United Kingdom

Suffolk Liberal Jewish Community

Ipswich, United Kingdom

Sukkat Shalom – Edinburgh Liberal Jewish Community

Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Sukkat Shalom Reform Synagogue, London

London, United Kingdom

Swindon Jewish Community

Swindon, United Kingdom

Synagogengemeinde Sukkat Schalom Huettenweg e.V.

Berlin, Germany

Szim Shalom Congregation

Budapest, Hungary

Thanet & District Reform Synagogue – Etz Chaim

Ramsgate, United Kingdom

The Ark Synagogue (formerly Northwood & Pinner Liberal Synagogue)

Northwood, United Kingdom

The Liberal Jewish Synagogue (St John’s Wood)

London, United Kingdom

The Liberal Synagogue Elstree

Elstree, United Kingdom

The Wimbledon Synagogue

London, United Kingdom

Three Counties Liberal Jewish Community (formerly Gloucestershire & Herefordshire)

Gloucester, United Kingdom

Tikvah Chadasha, Shenfield & Brentwood Synagogue

Brentwood, United Kingdom

Totnes Reform Jewish Group

Torbay, United Kingdom

Union Juive libérale de Strasbourg

Strasbourg, France

Union Progressiver Juden in Deutschland (UpJ) - National Body

Bielefeld, Germany

Wessex Liberal Jewish Community

Bournemouth, United Kingdom

West London Synagogue

London, United Kingdom

York Liberal Jewish Community

York, United Kingdom

ZLU – Hatikva

Prague 1, Czech Republic