Abraham Geiger Kolleg ordains 2 Rabbis and 6 Cantors

On Thursday, 5th September , the Abraham Geiger College ordained two Rabbis and six Cantors in the Rykestrasse Synagogue in Berlin with Miriam Kramer president and Rabbi Lea Mühlstein chair of the EUPJ in attendance.

Abraham Geiger Kolleg Ordination,  Synagogue Rykestrasse

Three of the ordinands are already under contract in international liberal congregations:

  • Rabbi Avigail Ben dor Niv, born in Israel, serves the Migwan liberal community in Basel
  • Rabbi Sophie Bismut from France joins the rabbinical team of „Judaisme en Mouvement“ (JEM) and serves the congregations of Marseille and Montpellier
  • Cantor Dima Karpenko is the Cantor of the Progressive Movement of Russia in Moscow

Five ordinands will remain to serve communities in Germany:

  • Cantor Milan Andics, Jewish Communities of Thuringia in Erfurt
  • Cantor Shulamith Lubowska, liberal Jewish Community of Magdeburg
  • Cantor Yoed Sorek
  • Cantor (and ordained Rabbi) Alina Treiger, has been serving the Communities in Oldenburg and Delmenhorst between 2010 and 2024
  • Cantor Annette Willing, is serving the community of Felsberg

Watch the ordination video here:


For more information on the work of the Abraham Geiger Kolleg, please contact:

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