10th Anniversary of Beth Hillel Rome

An international delegation with 32 leaders from the World Union for Progressive Judaism (WUPJ), European Union for Progressive Judaism (EUPJ), Arzenu Olami, and World Zionist Organization – ההסתדרות הציונית העולמית took part in the celebrations of Beth Hillel Congregation of Rome’s 10th Anniversary. The delegation included leaders from nine countries: USA, Canada, Argentina, United Kingdom, France, Switzerland, Czechia, Israel, and Hong Kong.

Delegation at the audience with Pope Francis

One of the highlights was the private audience with Pope Francis made possible by Rabbi Sergio Bergman’s longstanding relationship with him. The 5-day celebration included several events: A WUPJ Executive Board Meeting, a Seminar about the political situation in Italy and Progressive Judaism development, achievements and challenges in Italy, celebratory Kabbalat Shabbat and Shacharit Shabbat services, and a tour of Jewish Rome. The celebration reached its pinnacle in a Gala Dinner in which over 200 people took part, among which were, as guests of honour, the Israeli Ambassador to the Vatican, the Israeli cultural and economic Attaches, the President of the Italian Orthodox Community. The event honoured the 10 founding mothers and fathers of the community.

For the occasion, a  tribute book on the history of Beth Hillel Rome was distributed to all guests. EUPJ’s  President, Miriam Kramer and its Chair, Rabbi Lea Mühlstein were present throughout the celebrations. Just a few days before the celebrations, the Rome City Office had granted Beth Hillel Rome a plot of land in the main cemetery of Rome. This is another landmark achievement that confirms the development and vitality of the Progressive movement in Italy and in Rome.


L to R : Benjamin Fabio Fanitini,  EUPJ Vice-Chair with Rabbi Lea Mühlstein,  EUPJ Chair, Franca Coen, one of 10 founder members, Miriam Kramer, EUPJ President and Carlo Riva, Federazione Italiana Ebraismo Progressivo (FIEP) President

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