EUPJ Partner News

Chanukah Miracle Story: Poland

As we light the Chanukah candles tonight, let us reflect on the miracles we encounter every day, even in the face of difficult obstacles. This photo was taken in Warsaw in 2017 in the Nożyk Synagogue. The Polish Jewish community managed to rebuild itself from near destruction.

At NOA, we are constantly in awe of the strength and determination of Jewish communities, big and small, across Europe. Each community is unique in tradition, history, and political and religious discourse. But despite our differences, we are tied by our millennia-long identity as one Jewish people.

This Festival of Lights, let us recognise that miracles are just as possible today as they were in the time of the Maccabees and since the beginning of our tradition.

In the light of the Chanukah candles, we are filled with hope that we will continue to overcome antisemitism and hatred, and that we will continue to thrive and succeed in our unity.

Let this hope guide us throughout the year.

Happy Chanukah from Warsaw, Chag Orim Sameach.

Through NOA (Networks Overcoming Antisemitism), we aim to tell the stories of contemporary Jewish life and culture in Europe. Learn about our work countering antisemitism in Europe at

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